Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is the name of the Buddhist temple, located in Magelang Jawa Tengah. Based on prasasti karangtengah, this temple was built by the King of Mataram, the reign of Sailendra dynasty, named Samaratungga. It was finished at the reign of Saratungga’s daughter, Queen Pramudawardhani. It took a half century.
The monument's three divisions symbolize three stages of mental preparation towards the ultimate goal according to the Buddhist cosmology, namely Kamadhatu (the world of desires), Rupadhatu (the world of forms), and finally Arupadhatu (the formless world).
Kāmadhātu is represented by the base. Almost all of this part is covered by the heap of stones, estimated to make the construction sturdy. There is 120 panel story of Kammawibhangga at the part that covered by this additional structure. Some of the additional structure is omitted, so people can see the relief in this part.
Four floor with the relief wall called Ruphadatu. The floor is square. Ruphadatu is the world which already free from the desire but still bunched by the form and shape. This level symbolize the nature of between, that is low nature and up nature. At this part, Buddha’s statues were put in the ceruk’s wall.
From the fifth until the seventh floor, there is no relief on the wall. This level named Arupadhatu. The floor is round. This level symbolize the up nature, where human free from all of the desire, form and shape, but sill not achieve the nirwana. Buddha’s statues were put in stupa.
The highest level, showed no shape, symbolize by the biggest and highest stupa. In this biggest stupa, there is unfinished Buddha. Before it was thought as Adibuddha’s statue, but actually there is never a statue in the main stupa, the unfinished statue is the mistake of the carver. Based on their believe, the statue that wrong in the process of make shouldn’t be destroyed.

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