Senin, 29 November 2010

Malioboro Street

Malioboro Street is centrally located in Yogyakarta. The street stretches from Tugu Railway Station to the Sultan's Keraton, spanning across some 2 1/2 kilometers in length.
Malioboro Street is a major shopping street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; the name is also used more generally for the neighborhood around the street. The street has the most concentration of small and personalized sidewalk shops selling anything from Javanese handicrafts to funky clothes.
There are a number of large shopping outlets, apart from the regular and personalized traditional shops. The expansive Malioboro Mall is located almost midway towards the Sultan's Keraton. A store named Dagadu located on lower ground is the main highlight of the mall, selling funky and contemporary T-shirts that make good souvenirs. There is also a traditional market called Pasar Beringharjo selling all kinds of local goods.
The street looks modern and colorful, but if we look closer look, we will find the old-world charm in the form of refurbished colonial-age shop houses.
Along with fast-paced shopping experience, there are a number of hotels located on Jl Malioboro. There are also many restaurants nearby.
You will find the traditional modes of transportation that you may be tempted to try. There are three wheel pedal powered bicycle cart, known as becak. There are also a horse carriage, which is also known as andong or dokar.
Of course you have to pay to enjoy these traditional transportation. The lowest amount that you have to pay if you want to do such a short tour using becak is Rp. 10.000,00. It depends to where you want to go.

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